
In order to effectively control the risk of intellectual property infringement and to efficiently handle intellectual property infringement dispute, we will adjust the relevant rules as needed in accordance with the situation. The platform will now adjust the time limits for filing counter notifications in response to complaints related to intellectual property rights. The specific adjustment are as follows:


被投诉会员有三次申诉机会, 且每次申诉均有时效限制,具体为:会员须在收到投诉后的限定时效内提交申诉,逾期未发起申诉视为申诉不成立,且本次申诉机会用尽,其中:

Original Rules

Every respondent has 3 chances to submit a counter notification in response to a complaint and the time limits to do so are as follows:

1)3 business days upon receipt of the complaint for the first counter notification.

2)30 business days upon receipt of the complaint for the second and the third counter notification.

Remarks: Failure to submit a counter notification within the above prescribed time limits will be considered as forfeiting your rights to submit a counter notification.


被投诉会员有三次申诉机会, 且每次申诉均有时效限制,具体为:会员须在收到投诉后的限定时效内提交申诉,逾期未发起申诉视为申诉不成立,且本次申诉机会用尽,其中:

New Rules:

Every respondent has 3 chances to submit a counter notification in response to a complaint and the time limits to do so are as follows:

1)3 business days upon receipt of the complaint for the first counter notification.

27 business days upon receipt of the complaint for the second and the third counter notification.

Remarks: Failure to submit a counter notification within the above prescribed time limits will be considered as forfeiting your rights to submit a counter notification.


The new rules will be published on January 13,2022(China Standard Time)and will be effective from January 20, 2022(China Standard Time). If members have any concern on the changes, please contact us before the effective date.



 Thank you for your understanding and continuous support.
